Tree Preservation

Through the preservation and protection of certain species of trees, the Village aims to:

  1.  Foster the stabilization of soil by the prevention of soil erosion and sedimentation;
  2.  Reduce storm water runoff and the costs associated therewith and replenish groundwater supplies;
  3.  Facilitate the removal of carbon dioxide and the generation of oxygen in the atmosphere;
  4. Provide buffering to attenuate harmful noise;
  5.  Promote moderation of extreme temperatures;
  6.  Enhance drainage control and restoration of denuded soil subsequent to construction and grading;
  7.  Provide a haven for wildlife which, in turn, assists in the control of pests;
  8.  Protect and increase property values;
  9.  Conserve and enhance the village's unique character and physical, historical, and aesthetic environment, especially its natural and rural atmosphere and to thereby foster the preservation and maintenance of community identity;
  10.  Protect and enhance the quality of life and the general welfare of the village;
  11.  Discourage the keeping of animals on wooded lots where the animals could destroy mature or protected trees;
  12.  Preserve and protect those species of trees that represent the varieties that existed in the historic grove of trees for which Long Grove is named.

(Ord. 96-O-7, 3-12-1996; amd. Ord. 2007-O-04, 4-24-2007)



Protected Species of Trees

Diameter measurement is taken at Breast Height (DBH):

Basswood/linden (Tilia americana)  10 inches DBH or greater  

Black walnut (Juglans nigra)  8 inches DBH or greater  

Hackberry (Celtis occidentalis)  8 inches DBH or greater  

Hickory  8 inches DBH or greater  

Bitternut hickory (Carya cordiformis)

Pignut hickory (Carya glabra)

Shagbark hickory (Carya ovata)  

Ironwood (Ostrya virginiana)  6 inches DBH or greater  

Oak  10 inches DBH or greater  

Black oak (Quercus velutina)

Bur oak (Quercus macrocarpa)

Hill's oak (Quercus llipsoidalis)

Red oak (Quercus rubra)

Swamp white oak (Quercus bicolor)

White oak (Quercus alba)  

Sugar maple (Acer saccharum)  10 inches DBH or greater  

Wild black cherry (Prunus serotina)  8 inches DBH or greater  

(Ord. 96-O-7, 3-12-1996; amd. Ord. 2000-O-20, 8-8-2000; Ord. 2007-O-04, 4-24-2007)

Tree Removal Permit Applications (Short form for non-protected species or dead/diseased trees. Long form for protected species and building permit project tree removal or tree protection.)